The pains are bearable especially if the interested persons are strongly driven by his will to please his There are consequences however, if one would choose to remove his tattoos and piercing. Nowadays, most of the human races or groups are no longer much linked to tattoos and piercings as their ceremonial rites, instead, these two become options of arts or interests. When a person has bumped with the reality that body art isnt after all good to everyones eyes, s/he may still remove his tattoos and piercings in order to be better acceptable in the society.
The teens during the puberty age must counter identity crises; otherwise they would carry the unsettled crises even during their later stages. In their lives, they come across to a realization that even without the body piercing and body tattoo, they can also become distinctly themselves unique, vibrant and with individualized identity. There are individuals who during their lifetime, would come across to a lifes turning point and for some personally determined reasons would have new love interests, paradigm and fashion statement shift or the realization that a tattoo and piercing are not their edge points for better employment or job opportunities.
1. Tattoo Removal Using Chemical Peels

In this procedure, a chemical solution and sometimes acid is used to scrape away the outer skin layers until the dermal layer with tattoo pigmentation is reached.
2. Tattoo Removal Creams
There are also tattoo removing creams on the market which are not proven to work. If you want a painless removal, you can give it a try. However, keep in mind that the
y are not as effective as other procedures. At best, tattoo removal cream may fade or lighten tattoo. The cream causes the pigment to gradually break down over time and the tattoo fades away. There is no guarantee that the tattoo will completely disappear, after all, tattoos are meant to be permanent. One of the up side of using tattoo removal cream is that it makes the tattoo removal process painless, and there will be no scarring. It takes several months for the tattoo to disappear.
They are thought to assist with sloughing off skin cells and thus the tattoo layer by layer, which usually takes a long time and still may not reach the depths of the tattoo ink.
. Color Tattoo Removal Laser SystemOur advanced laser technology provides the means for your tattoo to be removed safely and quickly and, in most cases, without leaving a scar. 
- Available for both dark inks and colored inks.
- Safest form of tattoo removal
- Quickest form of tattoo removal
- Least invasive form of tattoo removal.
- Least likely to leave a scar.
4. Tattoo Removal Using Dermabrasion and Salab

Dermabrasion (or microdermabrasion) is a mechanical procedure in which a hand-held machine with a rotating metal wheel, diamond fraise or a wire brush is used to remove the layers of the skin that hold the tattoo pigments. The body will replace the injured skin surface with new and healthy cells. Some dermabrasion instruments are in the form of polishing wheels to “sand off” the tattoo skin layers. The pain during this procedure is within bearable limits, but it can be performed using a general or local anesthetic, depending on area.
Similar to dermabrasion, is salabrasion. This is the oldest method of tattoo removal. The tattoo is removed by scraping the tattooed area vigorously with salt water and a sanding device. The treated area is numbed with ice or a local anesthetic and it usually requires multiple sessions. This method is painful and often leaves a scar
Did you know why some people decide to remove their tattoos and piercing? The method that the physician chooses will depend upon the size of the tattoo and its location as well as the length of time it has been on the skin. There are several excellent methods of tattoo removal available today.