Saturday, January 24, 2009
bird tattoos -Back Tattoos
You might want to think about changing how you search for upper back tattoos. Unless you really love generic artwork, it's time to take a quick look at why so many individuals seem to get dragged to these galleries that just plop a bunch of cookie cutter designs on their server. With the following tips, you can skip those place, while finding the truly great sites that post crisp, high quality upper back tattoos.
It all depends on what kind of artwork you want on your body. Do you really want some generic design that 200 other people might already have, or do you want an original design that your local artist can redraw into the perfect piece for you? Most people choose the obvious choice, but you wouldn't believe how many of them end up settling on generic junk instead. This will occur if you are relying too heavily on search engines. You really shouldn't be using them too much to find quality upper back tattoos.
You aren't going to find many sites in their lists that have great artwork. They are always left out, while the generic laced galleries are listed. It's a real shame, but you don't have to settle for that stuff. You can now take things into your own hands. You do this by using the power of large forums, which will be a life saver for you. It's the one tried and true way to find so many of the wonderful, quality packed galleries that are sure to have great selections of upper back tattoos.
So many of the better artwork sites are hidden, but big forums are filled with info that will lead you there. You just have to dive into the archive section, where you can stroll through tons of topics about tattoo art. The big, general types of forums are laced with these topics. Doing this will allow you to read knowledge from other tattoo lovers, including posts where they talk back and forth about the various superb galleries they've run into recently. It's your brand new path to original, well drawn upper back tattoos, while leaving behind the generic stuff on the web. It will be such a relief.
Choosing from upper back tattoos that fit your exact tastes will go a long way toward loving your design choice for the rest of your life.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
sexy girls with Text Rib Tattoos Designs

tattoo ideas for girls

Tattoos have grown in popularity over the past 10 years. The idea that tattoos are rebellious, shocking or reflect a girls moral character have dissolved. The popularity of tattoos has increased and so has their acceptance. This is due largely to an increase in celebrities happily sporting them. It is estimated that thirty six percent of those ages 18 to 25 have at least one tattoo and forty percent of people ages 26 to 40 have at least one tattoo. With that being said it is still true that more men than women have tattoos.
Tattoos for girls are typically more feminine in nature. They are generally smaller and more delicate with thinner lines and are usually isolated to one or two parts of the body. Almost like accessories or accent pieces. The most popular spot for girls to get tattoos are the lower back, left shoulder, ankle, upper breast or bikini area. The lower back is a popular spot because it is not always shown but can be flashed. The shoulder is also a sought after spot. The left shoulder is traditionally known as the feminine shoulder and a tattoo there can be a great accent when wearing tank tops or halter tops. Ankle tattoos are cute and many girls are now getting tattoos on the top of the foot or small delicate ones on their toes. They are a great accent when wearing sandals or flip-flops. Like the lower back tattoo, tattoos on the upper breast or bikini area can be hidden.
Some tattoo ideas for girls that are feminine and have a long history include: sun, flower, angel wings, fairy, star, butterfly, Celtic and Zodiac symbols, dolphin, rose, and heart. Although traditional, these tattoo ideas are always unique by meaning to the person wearing them, and most tattoo artists are happy to create a one-of-a-kind design.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
cute small Butterfly Tattoo Designs for girls

It's a good thing to know that this does not have to cost much. Choices are available for free. There are even free butterfly tattoo designs that are available in the internet.
You only have to make a good browsing of these free butterfly tattoo designs and behold, you will find a variety of interesting butterfly designs that you can display in your body. After which you can finally show what you got in your arm, or in your shoulder, or anywhere you want it to be seen. So, if a butterfly tattoo design is what is occupying your thoughts at the moment, then start browsing those free butterfly tattoo designs and go get yours as soon as possible.
Sexy and Hot girls lower back with Fairy Tattoo Designs
Sexy And Cute Fairy Tattoo Designs For girls
Today more than at any other point in time women are getting tattoos. In fact many of them are getting multiple tattoos and even very big tattoo pieces. It seems that the stigma that was once carried with having a tattoo has all but vanished. With very popular tv shows like Miami Ink and LA Ink tattoo are become much more accepted by society as a whole. Women have jumped on this trend and are getting tattoos. However, they are not getting the big skull tattoo that guys used to get instead they are looking for more cute, girly and feminine tattoos that are sexy. One example of a very sexy and cute tattoo design for women is the fairy tattoo design.
Finding A Tattoo Artist
Finding a tattoo artist can be a little difficult. You will definitely want to shop around and don't just go with the first tattoo artist that you meet. Instead go to a variety of shops and spend some time in each one. Get to know the artists in the shop. Ask about their policies and costs for the designs. The price and quality of a tattoo can vary greatly depending on the shop and the particular tattoo artist. So it is important to search around. You want to find a tattoo shop that will offer you a fair price yet one that can do great work and someone who will listen to your ideas. You can always ask to see a tattoo artists portfolio of work also to get an idea of the styles and types of designs and work he or she does.
Versatile Designs
Fairy tattoo designs are very versatile. The design can be done very small or large and can be made to fit just about anywhere you want to get your tattoo. Fairy tattoos look equally great a large full back tattoo design or just a small foot tattoo. Whatever you choose for your design and size it can probably be done. Fairy tattoos are also very versatile in that they fairy can express whatever feeling or emotion you might want to portray about yourself. For example you can have a cute fairy tattoo or a sexy one. You can have a fairy tattoo in just about any position you want they could by flying around or sitting on top of a mushroom. The choice is really up to you and what you want to express with the tattoo design.
One of the best things about these tattoos that was hit on above is their versatility. That means that the design can be fit into just about any location o your body that you might desire to have tattooed. Fairy tattoos work very well on as a foot tattoo design if you want something that can easily be hidden. It can also be done as an armband tattoo, a hip tattoo, a lower back tattoo design or even a full back tattoo design if you want something large. Where you choose should be a primary concern and something that you really spend some time considering. The location of course will partially help you identify the size of the tattoo.
The Fairy
Another thing that you will want to think about is what kind of fairy tattoo design do you want. You see the fairy can represent something about you pretty easily and you want to choose the design and style of the fairy tattoo carefully. Do you want a sexy little fairy or one that looks bashful and shy? Try to pick some emotions or thoughts that you want to portray through the tattoo design and see if the artist doing the work can't incorporate those into the design.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
lowwer back tribal Star Tattoo for girls
People who chose star tattoos have different reasons. For some people, they only like the appearance of star tattoos on one particular part of their body. For others, they relate themselves or their lives to the meanings of star tattoos.
One basic meaning of star tattoos is that the wearer wants to achieve something, like a goal, and the tattoo is a reminder that he should never give up to get what he wants. It shows the wearer's determination to reach his goals.
Another very basic meaning is the wearer's interest in anything related to astronomy. The wearer must have been very interested in this subject that he wants other people to identify him as someone who likes to know about the heavens and heavenly bodies whenever they look at his tattoo.